The Merit Has Been Performed…Why Does The Kamma Follow Me?
Her dad was a first-rate Crime Prevention Policeman. Whatever province he moved to, the robbers would be scared. He also liked to perform merits at several temples. Her mom is a kindhearted person. Her brother is a moody guy. When he was a teenager, he preferred to associate with guys who were likely to be womanizing, hunting and fishing. As an adult he likes to drink, flirt and gamble. However, he was the person who ended up taking care of our parents more than the others.
When Taiwanese Bhikkuni Teaches In A Prison
I am a Taiwanese Bhikkuni of Buddhism in Taiwan. I have been ordained for almost 30 years and have been teaching Dhamma to the prisoners who mostly are under a death sentence at the biggest jail in Taiwan for more than 20 years.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our husband or wife (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Thirteen :- Cherishing our husband or wife.
Very Poor
Example of stinginess of a woman who is an underground lottery dealer. In the past she had a good living lifestyle but she didn’t take care of her parents or her relatives even they were in a difficulty situation. After that she broke due to her business of underground lottery. Even in the last time of her life, she didn’t even have a coffin. There was only a mat to wrap her body before burning. How is her life after death? DMC has the answers.
Generosity # 1
“A tree that yields fruit and shade not only will be called a beneficial tree, it will receive great care
Looking for a Constant Friend
How lucky we are, if we can have a friend like this, or we can behave in these ways toward our friends. We are impressed by these characteristics.
You Are My Everything
At a silent night, when my father was drinking in that unfinished house, he suddenly cried in suffering and wriggled as if he was being harmed. When my mother met him, he was already dead. His whole body was bruised, and nobody could tell the cause of his death
Erroneous Core Values are the Fruit of Mental Defilements
Before we proceed to the topic of ‘core values’ in detail, it is necessary to understand ‘erroneous core values’ which make one misunderstand life and the world.
You Must Win
What demerit did her younger sister make with her husband that caused her to be shot and paralyzed for 30 years? Her husband died in 2006 from a heart attack. Where did he go? Is he being punished for the demerit he performed against her? What merit caused her to be the owner of the land full of slate? This land provides her with constant income and no matter how much slate is dug up, there is even more available.
Making Choices to Cooperate, Employ, or Coordinate with Others for Social development, Management, etc.
People who are enthusiastic, patient, and charitable do good things, and therefore these people are the ones with whom we want to cooperate.